Sick or Absence Registration (Krankmeldung)

Dear Parents,

We have a new process for registering your child as absent. On the day your child is absent or sick we ask you send us an email.

If your child is sick and will take the day off school, please report it to the e-mail address below by 7.30 a.m. at the latest. Please be sure to include how long you child will be absent. If they are absent for a longer period than first expected, please email the school with the updated time period that they will be off.

Unfortunately, the email does not constitute an official excuse for your child’s absence. When your child returns to school they need to have an official written excuse for their absence. This can be written in the student communication diary.

*IMPORTANT* in the subject field you need to write the class name then students name. In the body of the email you can include further information.

If you do not have access to email, you can of course call the school office in the morning between 7.30 am and 7.50 am to report your child’s absence.

Kind Regards,